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Lab Startup & Management

Laboratory Startup and Consulting

Red Byrd offers multiple packages to help get your lab off the ground and profitable.  Let our network of consultants and lab directors guide you through the regulatory process of laboratory startup.


Do you need assistance starting the following:


  • Toxicology Drug Testing

  • Pharmacogenomics PGx

  • Complete Wellness Panel: Men and Women

  • Blood Chemistry

  • Cancer Genetics CGx/Hereditary Cancer

  • Infectious Disease: UTI, Wound, Nail, Respiratory, GI, STI, and Antibiotic Resistance

  • Inherited Disease

Molecular Lab Startup Programs in as little as 90 days


Red Byrd works with the nations leading Laboratory and Consulting companies and can help you with an easy and cost-effective way to add Molecular Testing your laboratory. 


  • Pharmacogenomics: Leading to better ways of using drugs to manage heart disease, cancer, asthma, depression, and more.

  • Cancer Genomics: Detecting increased risk of Hereditary Cancer by analyzing genetic variants patients’ DNA.

  • Infectious Disease: Test menu can include: GI Panel, Respiratory Panel, Wound, Nail, UTI, STI, and Anti-biotic Resistance Marker Panel.

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